Tuesday, July 2, 2013

An Introduction to Angel.

My name is Angel Young, and I'm a bit eccentric by nature.

I’m a writer, photographer, artist, student, and weirdo. I do a little bit of everything. Most of the time I work in a doctor’s office, but I also sell wick-less candles on the side. But some of my more favorite jobs have been at a haunted house, reviewing for various sites – including my own, being a staff writer for Ax Wound, and working seasonally for a Halloween supply/costume store called Johnnie Brock’s Dungeon. =)
I was diagnosed with Sjogren’s Syndrome in May 2013 after well over a year of trying to figure out what was wrong with me. It’s a struggle to deal with an autoimmune disease, especially one that is shrugged off by others a lot. But I don’t let it stop me from chasing my dreams.
I’ve always been interested in creative outlets and I’ve decided to follow my dreams of being a writer. But I refuse to stop there – hence why I’m a photographer and artist, as well as the occasional makeup artist, etc.
Comic book junkie that requires lots of caffeine. Cut teeth on vampire movies and carried around a Wolfman doll when I was very young. He was named Wolfy. I loved him dearly.
Obsessed with Batman, Converse, tattoos, zombies, Universal Monsters (the goodies but oldies) and Harry Potter – I’m kind of a nerd. I have an insane amount of Batman stuff that I’ve been collecting since I was a kiddo.
I refuse to live an ordinary life. It’s simply not for me. So, I try to do as many amazing things as I can. I’m doing fairly well so far:
I’ve been to various amazing shows (Phantom of the Opera, Wicked, Batman Live, etc – I’m a theater junkie), met some amazing authors, artists, actors and comedians (and I’m not done yet), and before I turned 18 I went to a writer’s conference in New York to meet some amazing people, learn a lot more about the publishing world, and showed my work to two agents that were very interested in me. I’ve reviewed for several authors in the past, as well as for horror-web.com. I’m also a staff writer for Ax Wound and have had a few photos published with them as well. Pretty awesome feeling to grace the same pages as people like Eli Roth and the incredible Soska Sisters (of the recently released American Mary and, before that, Dead Hooker in a Trunk)
Yeah, I’m not in this life to do it half-assed. ;)
So, to put it simply – I’m a Batman obsessed little freak of nature, covered in tattoos, almost always in Converse, running around in my own little LaLa Land.
You can follow my journey here on my blog, or like my facebook page – Misadventures of a Misfit

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