Sunday, July 7, 2013

Review: World War Z by Max Brooks

New York Times Bestselling author Max Brooks has given me a new favorite book, and definitely earned that title. In his story, one man collects all of the voices of one World War, against the strongest foe fathomable. Imagine an enemy with little to no weaknesses, which could attack in almost any terrain, and could keep on going. Well this is the collection of stories that lived through it and survived; what World War Z is all about. It combines all of zombie entertainment as we know it today, and turns it into something real; something you can really wrap your mind around and almost feel as though it is happening. Max Brooks makes the zombie apocalypse a very scary, but realistic possible outcome. I personally love zombies, have ever since I was younger and playing Resident Evil on the GameCube, but this is something totally different. It's a war novel mixed with fantasy and creatures we can only imagine in our darkest dreams. These verbatim accounts of gripping terror take you through life in a submarine, a downed pilot, and being stuck in space, to name just a few. His true to earth facts would make this a plausible history novel if these events were to actually occur. Every little detail is explored and explained, illustrating how every culture and walk of life is affected. It amazes me how real it feels. I actually started reading it about four months ago, and had to stop right in the middle due to the moving process. A little over a week ago, I picked it back up, and have been glued to it. Most stories I'll lose sight of what's happening or my interest in it after I've set it down for a while, but this kept me up at night and wanting more. Whether you're into war stories, or just love that zombie gore, this book is definitely for you. Like Roger Ebert, two thumbs up. Be ready to step into an alternate universe that's hits so close to home, you'll be locking your doors and sharpening up that machete. 

Sound like something you'd like to read? Click any of the links below!
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